Tech Resources

CAD tutorial!

The MKCad library has parts that will make it 10083932740823748273x easier to design robots, like motors, batteries, screws, nuts, etc, and we'll be using featurescripts A LOT this year. makes it way easier. You don't need to add them all at once.

To add a featurescript to your toolbar, just go onto its onshape doc, click the button that says "Custom Features" at the top of your screen next to "This document is view-only", and click whatever feature you want. It will be highlighted if it's been added.

Here's a list of featurescripts you should for sure add accoring to

  • Electronic mounting
  • Extrude Individual
  • Gusset
  • Shaft
  • Spacer
  • Tube Converter
  • FilletXpert

I'm not sure if these ones have come up in the learning course, but I've found them to be very helpful:

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