About Us
What is Westside Boiler Invasion?

What do we do?
The FIRST® and WBI programs attract the interest of students in the fields of science and technology. These organizations affect everyone involved, including teachers, advisors, sponsors, and the community. While involvement in FIRST® requires a lot of work, the work pays back tenfold.
Each January, FIRST® announces the rules for the year's game. The high school team members work with engineers, teachers, and college advisors to design and construct a robot to play the game. Constructing the robot is a difficult task - each team gets merely six weeks to complete it, after which teams compete in regional and national competitions. Although the competition and the building of the robot take only a few weeks, Westside Boiler Invasion works throughout the entire year.
Contact Us!
Mailing Address
Westside Boiler InvasionPO Box 2734
West Lafayette, IN 47996
Meeting Address
1200 N Salisbury St,West Lafayette, IN 47906